5 secret essentials to successful goal setting

You know how to set goals, that’s obvious enough. But, what if I told you there’s a quicker way to reach them? That would be pretty "SMART", right…

You know how to set goals, that’s obvious enough. But, what if I told you there’s a quicker way to reach them? That would be pretty SMART, right…

SMART is an acronym for Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant and Time-bound. It helps break down your goals, so they are quicker and easier to reach. It might sound really basic and unnecessary, but you’ll be surprised by the results!

Specific – Try to steer clear of general goals! Those slippery suckers keep you less accountable and are harder to pin down. But if you make them more specific, it’s easier to keep track and know when you’ve reached each goal!

“I want to lose 10 kgs.” NOT “I want to lose weight.”

Measurable – Once you’ve set your goals, it becomes all about how to reach them. Make sure you have a regular reflection time set! That way, you’re accountable and accurately track your goals. It’s super satisfying to see your progress!

Weigh-ins every Sunday morning. No excuses.

_Attainable –_The goals you set need to be realistic! Otherwise, you’re unlikely to ever reach them. And that’s the opposite of what you want!

“I’m going to lose 10 kgs in 10 weeks.” NOT “I’m going to lose 10 kgs in 2 weeks.”

_Relevant –_You need to be interested in your goals. Or better yet passionate! You want something to ignite you, to help you stay motivated!

“I’m going to lose 5 kgs before my girls trip, to Byron Bay, next month.” NOT “I’m going to do the 1000 steps everyday; just incase all 3 lifts break in my building and I have to climb 13 flights of stairs.”

Time-Bound – Have your end goals in sight! You wouldn’t run a race if you didn’t know where the finish line was! You’d get tired and want to give up. Same goes with goals!

Plus it’s crazy satisfying when you do cross that finish line, (figurative or real)!

As great as SMART goals are at helping you succeed, (ask Michael Phelps or Julie Powell), you need to make sure you stay focused and motivated! So when you’re sitting there writing your SMART goals, think of what is going to keep you going.

Whether its rewards or daily reminders, if you’re SMART and stay focused, you’ll reach your goals in no time!

And if you’re serious about reaching your weight or fat loss goals, enlisting the help of a personal trainer will only enhance your experience!

Get Going PT: Our goal is to provide you with the best personal trainers in Australia, that are suitable for your lifestyle, your habits and most importantly your goals!

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Great trainer ! Better bloke! Guranteed results.
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I’ve had two trainers now with Get Going. Both excellent. Very focused on my specific need and fitness targets; with great knowledge and able to mix up the programs. A great way to improve fitness...
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