How much does alcohol really affect fat loss?

We all know alcohol isn’t good for us, our heads tell us that the next morning. But when we’re dieting and trying to lose weight, we sometimes justify a few cheeky drinks by saying they won’t make much difference. However, this isn’t actually true!

We all know alcohol isn’t good for us, our heads tell us that the next morning. But when we’re dieting and trying to lose weight, we sometimes justify a few cheeky drinks by saying they won’t make much difference. However, this isn’t actually true!

Here’s a few classic excuses, that might sound a bit too familiar:

“I read a Facebook article the other day, about how a glass of wine a day is good for you…”
“I’ve compensated for the calories in the drinks, so I’m not over my daily limit.”
“Ed Sheeran said he lost weight by replacing beer with vodka…so I’m fine as long as I drink vodka.”

There’s no shame here, we’ve all done it.

BUT! These are the facts that will make you think twice about drinking if you really do want to lose that weight!

  • Alcohol has 7 calories in every gram! That’s just two less than fat and more than protein and carbs. That one shot of vodka has more calories in it than it’s equivalent size in pasta or chicken. HOW CRAZY IS THAT?
  • The trap. Alcohol makes you HUNGRY. When I go out, I can’t wait to have my HJ BBQ cheeseburger at the end of the night. This is part of the problem and it’s so true! The less we drink the less likely we are to binge eat.
  • Testosterone. It’s actually REALLY important to women! Testosterone is the Don Vito of muscle gain. It helps turn the food we eat into muscle. Without it, the food is stored as fat. Alcohol causes testosterone to slow down, ultimately stalling its efficiency.
  • Your Metabolism slows significantly when you drink alcohol. It messes with the lining in your stomach, making food digestion difficult for the body. Meaning your metabolism has to work twice as hard to break down the macros you’ve eaten, ultimately lowering it. For maximum fat loss results, a high metabolism is vital!

Here’s a quick list of common drinks and how many calories are in each one:

Vodka, Tequila or Gin Soda water 96 calories

Jack Daniels diet coke 98 calories

Vodka redbull (sugarfree) 105 calories

Champagne 85 calories a glass

Shot of Gin, vodka or tequila 64 calories

Vodka Mudslide Cocktail 820 calories

Remember! Even if you compensate your daily macro intake to account for the alcohol, your metabolism and testosterone levels are still going to take a beating!

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