Be your own ultimate ninja warrior

Wanting to get hella fit is great. But, as Mr Miyagi says, “First learn to stand then learn to fly. Natural rule Daniel Son, not mine.”

Wanting to get hella fit is great. But, as Mr Miyagi says, “First learn to stand then learn to fly. Natural rule Daniel Son, not mine.”

So before you can become your own ultimate ninja warrior, you need to know that the physiological benefits of exercising regularly, are just as important as the physical!

Although the physical goals Get Going will help you achieve will be phenomenal, it’s crucial to understand the vital invisible ones, too!

Confidence – Having a goal you work towards every day and one where you can actually see the results really helps improve your belief in yourself. It also reasserts the value that you are in control and can do anything you put your mind to!

Increased Energy – It probably feels like your whole body has been drained after a decent workout, but it actually helps you get rowdy and up and about! Your cardiovascular system gets a huge productivity boost from all the oxygen you’re gulping in while you exercise. This leads to your body being able to put more energy towards your daily activities.

Brighter Mood – As mentioned in last week’s article, (“How To Supercharge Your Mental Health”) working up a sweat releases happy hormones like serotonin and other endorphins that tell your brain life is great!

More Chill – While getting fit pumps up your energy levels, it also helps your body relax and sleep better! Using more energy means your body needs more time to recharge its batteries. Sleep will no longer be as elusive as it once was!

Remember, the physical results may take a while to become super visible, but these physiological effects will happen after a few weeks (if you maintain a regular exercise regime and eat clean)! So don’t just focus on the physical when there’s so much more going on!

There’s, “no such thing as bad student, only bad teacher. Teacher say, student do.” The team at Get Going are the best teachers and guides you could hope for on your fitness journey.

Get Going will help you become the ultimate ninja warrior that you were born to be!

What are you waiting for, Get Going!

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Great trainer ! Better bloke! Guranteed results.
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I’ve had two trainers now with Get Going. Both excellent. Very focused on my specific need and fitness targets; with great knowledge and able to mix up the programs. A great way to improve fitness...
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I have been working with Ilia for the past five months, and the results have been truly transformative. From the beginning, Ilia took the time to understand my starting point and my capabilities....
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